Exeter Yaroslavl Twinning Association
Общество Дружбы Ярославль-Эксетер





«Творческий конкурс»


«The most interesting book I have ever read»


Teacher Popelnitskaia T.I

Student: Popelnitskaia Maria

10 Б МОУ CОШ № 84


Yaroslavl 2021


Everyone needs a good book.



 Nowadays, many people think that book means nothing for teens. There are many young people who would prefer to watch a film, or play computer games As for me, I think it is more useful and enjoyable to spend time with a good book. Sometimes, reading according to school programme may seem boring, but our literature teacher usually gives us some works to read out of curriculum.

Thomas Hardy

 So It was Thomas Hardy's novel "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" that impressed me. I read it last year. The book has got everything for me: the happiest, the saddest, the most worrying and most challenging events: It's a book about time and memory, love and despair, choice and freedom.

 It's a classical novel with deeply shown images. Now they may seem too naive but I guess the novel gives us an idea of the Victorian life in Great Britain in the 19th century and raises questions that concern people in the 21st century. I found interesting to analyse the novel from different points of view. There are many episodes that touched me. The more I thought about, the deeper I saw the grief and pain of Tess, the main character of the story. One of the episodes that I wanted to write about is a letter from Tess to Angel, where she told the truth about her past.

 After reading this book I wanted to discuss it with my classmates, but I realised they haven't read it.

To interest my friends and followers in reading , I waned to advertise the book through a booktrailer.

 The purpose of the project work: to restore the letter from Tess, and to make a booktrailer for the novel " Tess of the D'Urbervilles»

 Hypothesis: to increase the reading interest of a teenager with the help of a booktrailer.


Chapter 1.

Book Cover 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles'

 I'll start by saying that Thomas Hardy's novel "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" is one of the best English novels of the 19th century. "Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891) has its own subtitle:" A Pure Woman, Truthfully Presented."

 "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is the story of the short life of a simple peasant woman.Tess is the daughter of a farmer named Durbeyfield . She was a sweet, cheerful, sensitive, charming and sincere woman, abused and ruined. " beautiful female soul... pure as snow". This, modest, gentle, serious and hardworking girl from the Blackmoor Valley. We meet her for the first time – at a May Day festival:

“[Tess] was a fine and handsome girl—not handsomer than some others, possibly—but her mobile peony mouth and large innocent eyes added eloquence to colour and shape. She wore a red ribbon in her hair,"

Tess with two male characters from the novel

There was a difficult period in Tess's life. She struggled. All the difficulties on her way were caused either by fate, by other people or by herself. The author presents death in the last phase of the novel as the freedom and peace for Tess. The author deliberately made his work tragic.

 So, coming to the episode with letter, It was episode 33. Tess suffered greatly before the wedding with Angel Clare and she tried to confess her past to him.. Her mother persuaded her not to tell the truth. But one day she wriote him a letter and slipped it under his door. Later she found the unopened letter under the carpet. She destroyed the letter. And here I found interesting to restore that lettert. ( See the index)

 Chapter 2. Booktrailer for Thomas Hardy's novel Tess of the DArbervilles. Booktraile is a new genre of advertising. It's a short story about a book for 2-3 minutes with the brightest moments , but It must contain an intrigue.

Video clip text: ( See the index)

 In conclusion I'd like to say that the problems faced by a girl of the 19th century and the 21st century are not very different. For some people this book will seem very cruel, but it will make others fall in love with it!

We look at the relationship between a man and a woman. More than two centuries have passed, and a woman, in fact, has less freedom than a man. It turns out that one can fall to the bottom, but at the same time keep the soul pure. It is no coincidence that the second title of this novel is "A pure woman, truthfully presentedd" And I hope that some of my classmates will take this book to read it.


Tess with male characters from the novel.  Photograph background Stonehendge

My Dear Angel,

You asked me yesterday why Iwas so pale. With a huge stone on my heart and soul, I want to confess to you about my past life and unhappy moments. It's hard for me to remember all those events, but you need to know. I have experienced pain and suffering.

My life has never been so easy. As you knowI grew in a peasant"s family . I was born in Marlotte, studied at school and was a good student. I always helped my poor mother to look after my brothers and sisters. There were seven children. My father John Durbeyfield is a poor man. Once he decided that he belonged to a noble family. My father sent me to D’Urbervilles house in hope that their son would marry me. But my family had no relation with D’Urbervilles . At first I didn't want to go. But one occassion made me change my mind.

I and my brother delivered beehives to a farmer's market on our horse . I fell asleep and the horse Prince was killed accidentally by the local mail cart. I felt responsible and miserable for it. So I agreed.

There was Alec, the son of a master who gave me a job in their place. How could I have known? Why didn't my mother tell me that men were dangerous? But my greatest fault is the weakness of a woman. Whatever you may think I’ m pure inside. I feel so miserable to have survived all that . Even the rainy autumn weather showed my sadness.

After all I couldn't stay there any more and I returned home. Then I gave a birth to a boy named Sorrow. He had been small and weak from birth. He died few weeks later.

Then spring came, and I believed in happiness again. If only you had come and danced with me four years before. Everything might have been different. When we met, I realised that I can love.

But although I am really unhappy to tell you my story, and the more I try to forget it the more grew the bitterness. And I can hardly think that you would not understand my sorrow.

I have no doubt that my happiness will depend on your kindness to forgive me. I beg, forgive me my dear – do not be so strict to me and truly I find it difficult to be honest as I think I ‘ll worry you.

My thoughts and prayers are always with you …

Faithfully yours



2. Booktrailer

Audio visual presentation slides coded for web.


Presentation slide with heading Thomas Hardy. Tess of the Durbervilles Presentation slide with heading 'Thomas Hardy' and picture of Thomas Hardy Presentation slide with picture of Book Cover 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Presentation slide with heading 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles has everything' and picture of Tess near the cliffs and the sea. Presentation slide with heading 'Hope and Dream' and picture of Tess standing where three tracks go off in different directions. Presentation slide with the heading 'Family Life' and a picture of Tess meeting a family outside of their home

Presentation slide with the heading 'Love Life' and a picture of Tess sitting under a tree with a young man Presentation slide with the heading 'Pain' and a picture of Tess walking with a young man in a forest, both with expressions of distress on their faces Presentation slide with the heading 'Choice' and a picture of Tess with two young men

Presentation slide with the heading 'Fear' and a picture of Tess sitting in a bedroom with a baby on her lap Presentation slide with the heading 'Pride' and a picture of Tess standing and appearing in reflective mood Presentation slide with the heading 'Forgiveness' and a picture of Tess and a man holding hands, with Stonehendge in the background

Presentation slide with the heading 'Memory and the Past' and a picture of Tess standing at a railway station, pondering about her past Presentation slide with the heading 'Peace' and a picture of a woman standing in a fieldural setting Presentation slide with the heading 'Peace' and a picture of a woman standing in a field

Presentation slide with the heading 'The most interesting book I have ever read' and of the book open showing two pages of text Presentation slide with the heading 'My Book' and picture of Book cover 'Thomas Hardy - Tess of the D'Urbervilles


Список литературы

  1. Бодрова Н.А. Сигал Л.М. Читательские интересы старших школьников// Внеклассная и внешкольная работа по литературе. – М., 1970, -25 с.
  2. Максимова Н.В. Создаём буктрейлер //Современная библиотека – 2013 - №15
  3. Михайлова С.В. Буктрейлер как тема конкурса// Современная библиотека . – 2013. - №9
  4. Тихомирова И.И. Стимулы и мотивы чтения // Шк. Библиотека. – 2002. - №5
  5. Томас Гарди «Тэсс из рода д’Эрбервиллей»: Роман/перев. С англ А.Кривцовой. – М.: Худож.литер., 1987. С. – 311.
  6. Кулевская Д.И. Художественные особенности романа Томаса Гарди // Электронная библиотека БГУ http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/148155 25.01.2020 г.
  7. Поплевко А. Поэтика «Тэсс из рода д’Эрбервиллей
  8. https://www.cliffsnotes.com/
  9. http://sphinxlit.narod.ru/engroman/master27.htm
  10. https://studyenglishwords.com/book/ HYPERLINK "https://studyenglishwords.com/book/Тэсс-из-рода-д-Эрбервиллей/447?page=35" HYPERLINK "https://studyenglishwords.com/book/ HYPERLINK
  11. https://studyenglishwords.com/book/Тэсс-из-рода-д-Эрбервиллей/447?page=35"Тэсс-из-рода-д-Эрбервиллей/447?page=35" HYPERLINK
  12. https://paragraph77.net/text/abookcontent/11
  13. https://txcwcivilian.org/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/letters.pdf

To create a booktrailer, we recommend the following programs: WindowsMovieMaker and SonyVegasPro., Microsoft Power Point/