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The most interesting book I have ever read


Book Cover - The Boy in Striped PyjamasBook Cover - The Boy in Striped Pyjamas (Different Version)




Soloveva D. A.

School № 36, grade 8 B

Teacher: Smirnova D. A.






Why is it important to read books?


  • Open BookSince ancient times, books have been a motivation for people. They taught and teach to achieve your goals, to dream, not to give up

  • Books increase your vocabulary and improve your language skills

  • Books broaden your imagination and enhances your creativity






“The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”


The book shows how the war is reflected far from the battlefield, on ordinary childrenBook Cover - The Boy in Striped Pyjamas




John Boyne, 2006







“The Boy at the Top of the Mountain”


Book Cover - The Boy at the Top of the MountainThe main character of the novel, a seven-year-old boy Pierrot, blindly followed his idol and because of his inability to distinguish good from evil, he committed many actions that he later greatly regretted



John Boyne, 2015






“Tomorrow Was the War”


Book Cover - Tomorrow was the War / Завтра была войнаThe book tells about the daily life of the students of 9 b, who soon had to face events that completely changed their lives




Boris Vasilyev, 1987






My impressions after reading these books


The most interesting novel for me was “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas". This book made a great impression on me


I recommend to read this book to both children and adults, because it carries a very strong message that should be heard by as many people as possible







Let's take a little quiz!


  1. Immediately after its release, “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" was nominated for many awards, as it was able to impress both ordinary readers and critics. What is its special feature?

  2. Why can't any of the three books have a happy ending?

  3. Books are useful and interesting to read, so why do many people do not want to read and prefer other activities?








  1. The main feature is that the horrors of the Holocaust are shown through the eyes of a child who absolutely does not understand why people are so cruel

  2. All three books are about war, and its consequences are never good

  3. Perhaps because people can't find a genre they like, so they think books aren't interesting








  1. https://booksummaryclub.com/benefits-importance-of-reading-books/
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boy_in_the_Striped_Pyjamas
  3. https://yandex.ru/turbo/syl.ru/s/article/347953/djon-boyn-malchik-v-polosatoy-pijame-otzyivyi-i-retsenzii-analiz-knigi
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomorrow_Was_the_War
  5. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24737113-the-boy-at-the-top-of-the-mountain


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