Exeter Yaroslavl Twinning Association
Общество Дружбы Ярославль-Эксетер



XXIV конкурс творческих работ на тему

«Какую из прочитанных книг ты назвал бы самой интересной?»

«The most interesting book I have ever read»,


Project work

"The most interesting book I have ever read"

Lyceum #86


Kostrikov Sergei class 7

Starostin Stepan class 7

Teacher: Biryukova Inara Aivarovna





 To tell about favourite book and encourage other people to read it.


  • - to write an essay about book “Ivan” by V.Bogomolov
  • - to make a questionnaire
  • - to find out if people have heard and read the book
  • - to analyze the results
  • - to make a poster advertising the book
  • - to find out if the poster attracts readers


My favorite book (by Stepan Starostin)


 There is no family in our country, which was not involved in the Second World War this or that way.


 The Second World War is a page of history of our country which is known by everyone.


 I have read a lot of books about war. I have learnt about battles, significant moments of the war, about the life in the rear and about all the difficulties of that awful time. Books about war tell us about strength, stability and brave behavior of our Russian people.



 My favorite book about the War, which impressed me a lot, is the novel «Ivan». It was written by Vladimir Bogomolov in 1957.


 The main character is a 11-year-old orphan boy Ivan. At this age, he went through a lot of difficulties. He was a spy who decided to give his life for the sake of helping to the amy.


 He had to cope with many responsibilities, which only an adult could overcome. But he did it himself. Every day, every hour he faced with dangerous situations and he could rely on him. Ivan made his choice in life to become the defender of this Motherland. I admire his braveness and the boy`s power of spirit.


 I was really impressed by the ending of the book. We’ve got used to happy ending of different stories. That is why it was a shock for me that Ivan was tortured and killed.


 The war was going on and the future of our country depended on its result.


 Both children and adults fought to win in that war. War is evil. This is hard experience for everyone, especially for children.


 We won this war because all, starting from little children to elderly people, tried to do all the possible things to defend our country. I know thanks to whom we live and I am endlessly grateful for our heroes.


 Unfortunately, nowadays teenagers are not fond of reading. I can’t say that I am a fan of reading, but this book changed my mind. I shared my emotions with my classmate Sergei. It was the first time when he heard about the book. Later he said that he had read the book and was also impressed. We decided to find out if many people know about 'Ivan'.


 On this point our research started


 We made a survey. 43 students and 14 teachers took part in it.




 1. Have you ever heard about the Book by Vladimir Bogomolov?

 2. Have you read the book “Ivan”?


 Here are the results


Pie Charts of Results


 Diagrams1 and 2 show that 11% of students (5 respondents) and 43% of teachers (6 respondents) have heard about the book


Pie Charts of Results


 Diagrams 3 and 4 show that 2% of students (1 respondent) and 29% of teachers (4 respondents) have read the book.

 The results were disappointing. We wanted to attract attention of more people to this book. So, we decided to create a poster about “Ivan” and place it in our lyceum bookcrossing corner together with the book.


In the photo you can see us with our posters.


Sergei Kostrikov and Stepan Starostin


 Some days later we noticed that the book was found on the shelves and taken by someone. Besides, our librarian said that students asked for the book “Ivan”.

 We were satisfied with the results of our work. Our aim was achieved. This project inspired us for creating more posters about other books.




Богомолов, Владимир Осипович.

 Иван : рассказ / В. О. Богомолов // Военная проза / [гл. ред. Д. В. Тевекелян ; сост. Л. И. Лазарев]. – М., 2008. – Кн. 1. – С. 405–458. – (Библиотека русской классики. Десять веков русской литературы ; Т. 82). – ISBN 978-5-387-00012-6



Red Army soldiers in rowing boats

